Wednesday, March 19, 2014

I haven't blogged in over a month...

Well, it's good this blog is not one of my children because I've been super neglectful to it!

Gage is now 5 months old. Can you believe that? It's like I was pregnant yesterday! His six month well baby check up is scheduled for April 18th. He grabs toys, assaults my food with his face despite not eating solids yet (still EBF over here - yay!), rolls both ways, and absolutely adores Noah. Here's a picture of the littles together!

Noah has a new baby cousin, born shortly after his third birthday. He loves him to pieces! I won't be posting a picture of him on the blog as he is not my child and I do not have the right to be plastering photos of him around the internet, so you'll have to take my word for it when I say he is soooo stinking adorable!
Noah is currently learning his alphabet at home with me, so it's school every day. This week we're reviewing letters A-E that we've done and next week we'll be moving onto letter F. He's really getting this whole letters and sounds thing down and I'm super proud!

Things are finally moving into place around here. I have an income now. I'm reaching clients. We just switched everything around with insurance and the boys' new coverage begins next month. We have the new pediatrician set up and tomorrow I'm calling the new dentist to arrange an appointment for Noah.
We got new baby chicks that will be ready to go into the coop in a few weeks! I chose one to name Hendrix, and Noah chose one and named it Muno...
Which brings me to the next update. I should get an episode on True Life called True Life: My Child is Addicted to Yo Gabba Gabba
Yes. It's that bad. He just got the beanie baby versions of Brobee, Foofa, Muno, and Toodee for $8 a piece. Insanity at it's finest, but it makes him happy. Unfortunately for Curtis and I, that means we have to watch a lot of Yo Gabba Gabba. Even worse, the On Demand section only had three episodes for weeks and is now down to one single episode that we watch over and over.
This is how big and grown up my Bugman looks now that he's three:

It might be kind of a crappy, quick update, but I'm hoping to start blogging at least once a week now!